What Our Trainees Say About Our Program… 

Training at VCCC was an invaluable experience for me. Through a robust and varied weekly schedule that included time with fellow trainees, skilled supervisors, case conference, guest speakers, reading groups and training in managing the business side of a practice, I grew immensely as a clinician. Each of these touch points provided an opportunity to learn not only from more experienced clinicians and patient teachers, but also from a well-cultivated group of peers through meaningful discussion. I felt the staff all truly cared about the growth of the trainees and of the well-being of the clients. It is clear that they care too about the well-being of alumni. Somehow they perfectly balanced a sense of containment with a sense of encouragement to take the reins as a new clinician. I reflect often on my experience, continue to refer clients to the clinic, and am happy to stay in touch with the clinic long past my completion date. The most valuable thing I learned at VCCC is that the learning never stops, that consultation groups and supervision continue to be valuable even for seasoned clinicians, and how impactful this can be on the vitality and effectiveness of one’s career.
— Bonnie Wargo
Valley really showed me that this work is a creative art. There was always such a sense of adventure and ease in what were doing. There was virtually no wrong answer to be had. We just immersed completely in curiosity and intuition. Being exposed to such great minds was genuinely breathtaking at times. It gave me a great sense of confidence with dealing with very complex psychological phenomena.

Valley felt like a second home. My personal and professional growth during my time there was astronomical. From day one, there was always a strong sense of authenticity, care, and humor. I felt really nurtured there and, in turn, my sense of expansion grew enormously. It really strengthened my confidence as a clinician (in general), along with my sense of psychological agility, and sound clinical judgment.

Valley showed me — in so many ways — the power of think-tanks, containment, and the meeting of minds.
— Joelle Molloy
I applied to Valley Community Counseling Clinic for its psychoanalytic orientation and focus on long-term therapy—opportunities that are increasingly rare. Before interviewing I worried I would need to be an expert in psychoanalytic theory, which I was pleased to learn was not the case. As long as a trainee has a basic familiarity and a genuine interest in learning to think and work more psychodynamically, that’s enough to thrive at VCCC. In many ways VCCC feels like working at a group private practice where the emphasis is always on providing clients with the highest quality of care. At the same time, it is a highly supportive environment for trainees, offering stellar supervision and a variety of learning opportunities.
— Kate Beauchene
When I was looking for places to do my practicum I was originally trying to find somewhere that I would feel supported in the process, but landing at VCCC I was delighted to get so much more. My experience at VCCC wasn’t just support as I embarked into my career as a psychotherapist, but a thriving community of people inspired to continue a process of ever deepening their understanding. I felt inspired and helpfully challenged in the psychoanalytic exploration VCCC engages their trainees with, and I felt cared for by the staff and fellow trainee community I was lucky enough to be a part of. I am so glad that I was given the opportunity to be a part of VCCC, and recognize the beneficial impacts of my time there to this day in the work I do.
— Kai Lillie
VCCC was a wonderful, challenging, and essential part of my training. It was much more than a place to accumulate clinical hours. It was an experience of clinical learning and personal growth in the context of a real community. The three key elements of the experience were the weekly individual supervision, group supervision, and case conferences. My supervisors, both individual and group, brought different, complementary perspectives to clinical work. And my intern-colleagues provided a dynamic, supportive, and diverse blend of learning to the experience. VCCC provided an array of outside presenters and perspectives for case conferences that added to the experience of the whole community of clinicians. I am grateful to VCCC.
— Scott Turner
At Valley Community Counseling Clinic (VCCC), I received a truly rigorous, rewarding training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy. And my training was deepened by all the additional learning opportunities that VCCC offers, both at the clinic as well as at other educational institutes. But most importantly, VCCC cultivates a nurturing learning environment where I was encouraged to take initiative in my treatment of patients, and my mistakes were viewed as opportunities for self-reflection, self-understanding, and growth. At VCCC, I learned to trust my instincts, and I grew, professionally as well as personally.
— Bahman Ghahremani
My time at VCCC was exceptional in helping me hone my theoretical knowledge, strengthen my clinical skills, and forge a supportive and knowledgeable network of clinicians. From case conferences, to reading groups, individual and group supervision to clinic potlucks, VCCC truly felt like a family. I was blown away by the depth of knowledge and wisdom displayed by the clinical directors and supervisors, as well as the intelligence and thoughtfulness evident in all of my fellow trainees. I am forever grateful for this experience and the confidence it has afforded me in my career as a new therapist.
— Quinn Konarska
VCCC has provided a learning and nurturing environment beyond my expectations through excellent supervision, seminars, readings, and case discussions. I have received supervision from some of the best clinicians in Southern California. I am in an environment with peers at different levels of their careers, which has been inspiring and supportive every step of the way. At VCCC I have learned not only how to train toward becoming a competent psychodynamic clinician, but also how to prepare for success in private practice.
— Fary Jalili